Jenna Cmpbell
Growing up in Maine, trail running was my meditation. I ran competitively in college and continued to marathon running in my 20s. As injuries accrued and children were born, running became less fulfilling and practical. I tried other options to stay active, finally finding yoga in 2015. I had previously convinced myself that yoga was too slow for me, and I could never shut my brain off. Once I dropped that story, I fell in deep love and appreciation of the practice and rekindled that meditative mind-body connection that running had once filled.
The practice of yoga is just that, a practice. Each day I show up differently to my mat, and much like a trail run, yoga can take you to a variety of places, all on a 2x6 foot mat. There are endless ways to challenge yourself, set goals, and grow your practice. Although the practice of yoga starts on the mat, I find that I carry the inner peace with me throughout my day. Yoga is truly a lifelong activity and can be modified to meet nearly any injury or ability, and I use this approach in teaching my classes. My goal is to help people experience the deep connection of being truly rooted in their body – fascia, muscles, joints, and most of all spirit, creating balance on and off the mat.